Amber Whatley
Amber Whatley is a lighting designer for live performance. Her skills include lighting for theater, dance, concert, and lighting for the camera. Her technical strengths are programing and moving light programing. She was born and raised in Montgomery Alabama. She Then completed her BFA at Savannah College of Art and Design. She has consulted for several theaters and churches in the Southeast U.S. Her MFA graduate studies in Lighting Design at The University of Texas at Austin led her to the creation of Blackout a workshop and video series in which her objective is to bring lighting design and technology awareness to Black youth and under supported communities. Her research interests include creating accessible lighting knowledge for BIPOC youth and under supported communities, new works, and non-traditional theater design. As a recent graduate and current post MFA fellow at The Ohio State University Amber enjoys teaching, freelance designing, and furthering the development of Blackout.